Happy Monday morning!
I hope you had a great weekend, are rested and ready to embark on a new wonderful week!
I surely had a great weekend but I have to admit - I could use another day of rest!
At home.
Alone :)
But that wasn't an option, so instead of picked out a nice little bottle of
Naked Juice.
Love these!!
I've never tried this before... guava and peach, and since I love both, the combination was a winner.
Reduced calories too?... even better!
Quickly packed two muffins I saved for my friend so I could hand them over at work.
I love working together with great people who are also my friends!
You all probably have seen the pictures floating around on the Internet, Facebook or Pinterest.
Slices of hot dogs pierced with spaghetti and then cooked.
Julian loves hot dogs.
He loves noodles.
We have both at home.
Hmmm... dinner!!!
I didn't have time to take a picture before I tossed them in the pot... Julian was helping me make them, but poor little guy was so hungry that he kept eating the slices of hot dogs. So I had to hurry up so he wouldnt' get too full before the actual cool dinner was even served!
Here is the end product!
I think it looks pretty cool!
But Julian did not think so.
He was rather irritated that his beloved hot dogs had all this stuff hanging from it.
"Mommy, cut it, me not like it" he demanded.
And then added with a softer "Please??"
So he ended up eating some of the hot dog slices, and some of the pasta I cut from it... ignoring the bowl of carrots of course.
Well, I liked them! Tossed in marinara sauce they weren't so bad at all!
When we went to Ikea last week I had to go shopping in their little grocery section.
I love fish roe... all kinds. Can't really afford the really authentic caviar... but this will do :)
I kind of had a craving for a little taste of this, so I brought out the jar to take a few little bites on a cracker.
Julian saw me eating this and asked "mommy, some?".
I just love that at 2.5 years old, he isn't afraid to try all kinds of things that he sees me eating!
At his age I stayed as far away as possible from anything that did not look like plain white rice or noodles!
So he took a little bite... then smiled, nodding I heard "Hmmm! Me like it"
So you didn't like my very cool and artistic hot dog project, but you like the herring roe!
(That's my son!!!)

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