Ok... so I am linking up to "Fill in the blanks Friday" for the first time! (hope I'm doing this right!)
1. The best surprise ever would be to suddenly have my parents and my sis & her BF at our house for a surprise visit! Parents are in Thailand - sis is in Italy :)
2. Ah there are so many but our honeymoon is my most favorite memory. Please don't be shocked that I didn't name the birth of my favorite son as my favorite memory :))... it definitely is as well but our honeymoon was much more fun and relaxing than childbirth!! It was a little bit different of a honeymoon... instead of just hubby and I spending alone time as a newlywed couple, we were a crew of 15 people! Since we got married in Thailand, we wanted to spend as much time as possible with family and friends who mad the long trip to attend our special day. Our crew was family and closest friends! Me, hubby, hubby's parents, my parents, my sis, my cousin, my uncle, my aunt, and 5 of my closest and dearest friends from Hamburg, Germany! It was the best time ever!
3. The hardest but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was leaving behind my parents and closest friends to move across the big pond to the US... but I wouldn't have met my hubby and have our beautiful little boy if I didn't.
4. The best part of my day is snuggling up with my little boy in bed after a long day of work and not seeing him, reading bedtime stories :)
5. Something I like that most people don't is blood sausage. Yep, I do!!
6. Something I'm willing to fight for my family and my friends!
7. Something you might not know about me is I definitely have way more than 1 messy drawer in the house! Or closet :D
Hey... this was fun!

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