Today is Tanja's last day with us before she heads back to Hamburg (OMG it's snowing over there!!!).
She loves going to the Thai temple to have noodle soup, so that's what we did today!
Not without a quick FaceTime session with my parents in Bangkok.
I already felt guilty for mssing their call last weekend since we were so busy with our guest.
Julian's newest game to play with his daddy is "Door Salesperson" lol
Hubby will knock at the bedroom door.
Julian opens the door.
Hubby does his sales spiel "Hello sir, I am selling vaccuum cleaners, would you be interested in buying one?" (he does it much better... the things he comes up with!)
Julian patiently listens to daddy's sales pitch, then holds out 3 fingers (he has to keep the other two down with his other hand) and tells his daddy "Yes, 3 please".
Hubby tries to upsell "Only 3? But these are highly efficient vacuum cleaners, can I possibly interest you in buying 5?"
Juilian thinks for a moment "hmmmmm..."
Then nods and says "No, 4"
Hubby closes the deal and says "Thank you sir"
Julian responds "You're welcome" and slams the door shut!
They played the same game over and over and over... at least 30 minutes lol
In the end hubby ran out of things to sell to our little man :)
It was simply gorgeous at the temple today. We had quite a lot of rain last night, so it cooled down a bit, the sky was blue, the sun was out and the temple was crowded again!
Hubby (in the red shirt and sunglasses) and Julian on the dock feeding the catfish with bread.
For some reason they decided to like the sticky rice another kid was feeding them with!
Julian didn't care though, he happily ate the honeywheat bread the fish didn't eat :)
And we saw the big choo choo train drive by... the highlight of his day!

Liebe Phanit,
ReplyDeleteund schupps, bin ich bei Dir gelandet... Dein Sohn ist soooo süß! Das musste ich gleich mal los werden ;-)
Ja, Thailand ist unser liebstes Reiseziel. Wir sind schon so oft dort gewesen, wir lieben das Essen, das Wetter und die vielen Möglichkeiten, die Seele baumeln zu lassen. Wir genießen die Zeit, die wir in Deiner Heimat verbringen können.
Ich schaue wieder bei Dir vorbei.
Liebste Grüße und schöne Ostertage
White Dream
Oh danke, ich finde unseren Kleinen auch zum knutschen *grins*
DeleteUnd ich freu mich über das liebe Kommentar von Dir, und Du bist ja auch die allererste, die hier beigetreten ist, das ist schon sehr aufregend für mich!
Seit ich in Florida lebe fliege ich leider viel zu selten nach Thailand, der Flug ist soooo lang! Wir waren letzten Oktober dort und hoffen in ca. einem Jahr wieder hinzufliegen.
LG zurueck!